
This is a blog, test, and otherwise for me to use, unload on, and otherwise say things that I feel need to be remembers.  Some of the topics I may or may not cover include:

  1. Computer thoughts and discussion.  Mainly with myself.  Been working with computers for 38 years and going.
  2. Firearms related topics.  I have am a certified NRA instructor in Basic Rifle and Pistol.  Taught Hunting Education in Texas for about 25 years. Been shooting and hunting for over 55 years.
  3. Music.  Play the violin, bass, and mandolin. Played with symphonies, jazz groups, and mainly with a group of wonderful folks known now as The Kinfolk Project – check out: http://www.thekinfolkproject.com.

All posts are mine and I will have to approve any comments.

I hope everyone enjoys the diversity, disparity, humor, and occasional rant that I may get into.  All thoughts are mine unless they are attributed to someone else, then they are that person’s or organization’s thought or viewpoint.